Stained Class Series: The Death Knight

All Classes: Gallery

Death Knight . Druid . Hunter . Mage . Paladin . Priest . Rogue . Shaman . Warlock . Warrior

Stained Class clothing, prints, and gifts are available for purchase on the Disciplinary Action store. Personalized commissions available upon request.

Today’s installation of the Stained Class series is the final class to get a window, the Death Knight. Those raised undead warriors of Arthas’ evil plans feature in nearly every account. Who among us doesn’t have a DK hiding in a back pocket, or boldly serving as our main, or jumping in to fill a gap in a raid? Those Veterans of the Third War rise above the rotten fruit and catcalls to prove themselves again and again. To my staunch Death Knight friends, and my own beloved Hardly, /salute.

Now that all the classes are complete, I’ll go back and re-execute the Priest, the Paladin, the Mage and the Hunter to match the style of the later stained glasses.

It’s been a huge amount of fun to create the Stained Class series, but the feedback you’ve all been kind enough to give has been the best part of it for me. Thank you all so much for your continued support, eyeballs, and words of encouragement!

Available, as ever, for any non-profitcredited use.



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