Cataclysm Comic Contest: The Full Comic

The grand-prize winner of the Cataclysm Comic Contest was a bit of a challenge. In our discussion about the comic, Rades of the inestimable Orcish Army Knife told he me his heart belonged to engineering, the Horde, PvP- all excellent orcish qualities. But then we discovered a shared contempt: we both hate paladins. I had already read Rades’ truly excellent post, A Friend Avenged, and we both knew exactly which paladin we detested the most. Rades (and Gerk), this one’s for you.


Did Lady RNG not favor you in the last Comic Contest? Need a perfect (free) holiday gift for that WoW-playing loved one? The next Comic Contest is headed your way December 17th! Follow @DiscoPriest on Twitter to get the latest news, and in the meantime catch up on episodes of Disciplinary Action Adventures you may have missed.


  1. I’d take on a paladin pet.. but only if he bubbles me.. I’d be like totally awesome!

    Great comic as always.. pally donnas.. I think I have a new nick name for my GM!


  2. You and I are going to have a falling out if this RAMPANT DISCRIMINATION continues. The Azerothian online community can and will speak out on this dreadful prejudice.


    PS: this was really good. You have no idea how much it hurts to say that *sob*


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