Illustrated Cloth Transmogrification Guide: Priest, Mage, & Warlock

Welcome to the Cloth armor installment of our illustrated transmogrification series! We hope it helps your cloth-wearing characters look their best in any situation.

The Illustrated Transmogrification Series

Illustrated Cloth Transmogrification Guide
Illustrated Leather Transmorification Guide
Illustrated Mail Transmogrification Guide
Illustrated Plate Transmogrification Guide coming soon!

It’s time to get excited about changing the appearance of your armor, Transmogrifying your boring old cutting-edge raid gear into retro sets that match your character’s innermost self!

All cloth wearers can Transmogrify their gear into any other cloth gear with just a few restrictions. As far as we know, any cloth-wearer can wear the cloth gear of any other class, provided there is no Class Restriction written in the item description.

An evil Warlock masquerading as a sweetness-and-light Holy Priest? Discos switching it up for fiery mage outfits? Mages and Warlocks wearing each others’ gear? The mind boggles!

In order to Transmogrify your existing gear to a new appearance, you’ll need in your backpack:

  1. the gear whose appearance you want to change, which must have some + stat(s) (ie, it can’t be a grey or stat-less white item)
  2. the gear whose appearance you want to change into, and
  3. both must be cloth or a weapon useable by your character (sorry, non-‘lock Tier 7 warlock fanciers)

Take it all to your friendly local Ethereal Transmogrifier, located conveniently in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, and drop some gold for a whole new you!

Notes: If you don’t see anything that speaks to your soul in these thumbnails, you can download the WoW Model Viewer (it’s free). Simply load up a character on the left-hand side, customize it to look like you, and try on every garment in the game!

If you don’t see a set that you know exists here, do feel free to let me know in the comments section or by email and I’ll add it to the list.

Locations given for higher-tier raid gear refer to the 10man version of the raid, unless otherwise stated.

Some additional color variation exists between heroic/non-heroic versions; click the associated Wowpedia link to ensure you’re getting the right shade!

PvP items coming soon in their own post!

Sounds simple, right? Right! Now the only hard part is deciding what to wear… what to wear… and we’re off!

The Cloth Armor Guide

  1. Tier Gear: Priest | Mage | Warlock
  2. Dungeon Sets
  3. Crafted Sets
  4. General Cloth Armor & World Drop Sets

Tier Gear

Tier gear comes from running raids (not dungeons) and either turning in tokens that drop, accruing and turning in currency points (such as Valor or Justice), or from a direct drop in the raid itself.

Please also see General Cloth Armor Sets, which include pseudo-Tier Attire for those outfits which are no longer available.

Priest Tier Gear

Priest Tier 1: Vestments of Prophecy

Location: Molten Core

WoW Insider’s Guide to Soloing Tier 1

Priest Tier 2: Vestments of Transcendence

Location: Blackwing Lair

Priest Tier 3: Vestments of Faith

– No longer available-

Location: [Naxxramas Raid]

Priest Tier 4: Incarnate Raiment/Regalia

Location: Magtheridon’s Lair, Hellfire Citadel Raid (Hellfire Penninsula); Karazhan Raid (Deadwind Pass); Gruul’s Lair Raid (Blade’s Edge Mountains)

Sold in exchange for Tokens Of The Fallen Defender to Asuur (Aldor) or Arodis Sunblade (Scryer) in Shattrath City:

Head: [Soul-Collar of the Incarnate] Prince Malchezaar Karazhan
Shoulders: [Shroud of the Incarnate] High King Maulgar Gruul’s Lair
Chest: [Robes of the Incarnate] Magtheridon Magtheridon’s Lair
Hands: [Gloves of the Incarnate] The Curator Karazhan
Legs: [Leggings of the Incarnate] Gruul the Dragonkiller Gruul’s Lair

Priest Tier 5: Avatar Regalia/Raiment

Location: Serpentshire Cavern, Coilfang Reservoir Raid (Zangamarsh); Eye, Tempest Keep Raid (Netherstorm)

Sold in Shattarath by Kelara (Aldor) or Veynna Dawnstar (Scryer).Exchanged for specific Tokens of the Vanquished Defender, located:

Head: Cowl of the Avatar Lady Vashj Serpentshrine Cavern
Shoulders: Mantle of the Avatar Void Reaver Eye (Tempest Keep)
Chest: Vestments of the Avatar Kael’thas Sunstrider Eye (Tempest Keep)
Hands: Gloves of the Avatar Leotheras the Blind Serpentshrine Cavern
Legs: Breeches of the Avatar Fathom-Lord Karathress Serpentshrine Cavern

Priest Tier 6: Absolution Regalia/Raiment

Location: Battle for Mount Hyjal, Caverns of Time Raid (Tanaris); BlackTempleRaid (Shadowmoon Valley); Sunwell Plateau Raid (Isle of Quel’Danas)

The Head, Hands, Legs, Shoulders, and Chest items are sold by Tydormu inside the Battle for Mount Hyjal instance. The Wrist, Waist, and Feet items are sold by Theremis, who is located on a boat in the harbor at the Isle of Quel’Danas.

Exchanged for specific Tokens of the Forgotten Conquerer, located:

Head: Cowl of Absolution Archimonde Battle for Mount Hyjal
Shoulders: Mantle of Absolution Mother Shahraz Black Temple
Chest: Vestments of Absolution Illidan Stormrage Black Temple
Waist: Belt of Absolution Brutallus Sunwell Plateau
Hands: Gloves of Absolution Azgalor Battle for Mount Hyjal
Wrist: Cuffs of Absolution Kalecgos Sunwell Plateau
Feet: Boots of Absolution Felmyst Sunwell Plateau
Legs: Breeches of Absolution Illidari Council Black Temple

Priest Tier 7: Regalia of Faith/Garb of Faith

Location: Naxxramas Raid (Dragonblight); Chamber of Aspects, Obsidian Sanctum Raid (Dragonblight)

Exchanged for Tokens of the Lost Conquerer in Dalaran.

Head: Circlet of Faith Kel’Thuzad Naxxramas
Shoulders: Mantle of Faith Gluth/Loatheb Naxxramas
Chest: Raiments of Faith Gluth/Four Horsemen Naxxramas
Hands: Mantle of Faith Sartharion Obsidian Sanctum
Legs: Pants of Faith Gluth/Thaddius Naxxramas

Priest Tier 8: Sanctification Garb/Sanctification Regalia

Location: All are found in the Ulduar Raid (Storm Peaks)

Exchanged for Tokens of the Wayward Conquerer in Dalaran.

Head: Circlet of Sanctification Mimiron
Shoulders: Mantle of Sanctification Thorim
Chest: Raiments of Sanctification Yogg-Saron
Hands: Handwraps of Sanctification Freya
Legs: Pants of Sanctification Hodir

Priest Tier 9 (Alliance): Velen’s Raiment / Velen’s Regalia

Location: All are purchased with Justice Points in Dalaran.

Triumphant versions can be purchased with Justice Points plus [Trophy of the Crusade] from Trial of the Crusader

Head: Velen’s Circlet of Conquest
Shoulders: Velen’s Raiments of Conquest
Chest: Velen’s Mantle of Conquest
Hands: Velen’s Handwraps of Conquest
Legs: Velen’s Pants of Conquest

Priest Tier 9 (Horde): Zabra’s Raiment / Zabra’s Regalia

Location: All are purchased with Justice Points in Dalaran.

Triumphant versions can be purchased with Justice Points plus [Trophy of the Crusade] from Trial of the Crusader

Head: Zabra’s Circlet of Conquest
Shoulders: Zabra’s Mantle of Conquest
Chest: Zabra’s Raiments of Conquest
Hands: Zabra’s Handwraps of Conquest
Legs: Zabra’s Pants of Conquest

Priest Tier 10: Crimson Acolyte’s Regalia/Crimson Acolyte’s Raiment

Location: All are purchased with Justice Points in Dalaran; the legs and hands also drop from Toravon the Ice Watcher in the Vault of Archavon Raid.

Head: Crimson Acolyte Cowl
Shoulders: Crimson Acolyte Mantle
Chest: Crimson Acolyte Raiments
Hands: Crimson Acolyte Handwraps
Legs: Crimson Acolyte Pants

Priest Tier 11: Mercurial Vestments/Mercurial Regalia

Location: All are purchased with Justice Points in Stormwind or Orgrimmar except the Shoulder and Head pieces; those are exchanged for Tokens of the Forlorn Conquerer.

Head: Mercurial Cowl NefarianorAl’Akir Blackwing Descent or Throne of the Four Winds
Shoulders: Mercurial Mantle Cho’gall Bastion of Twilight
Chest: Mercurial Robes
Hands: Mercurial Handwraps
Legs: Mercurial Legwraps

Mage Tier Gear

Mage Tier 1: Arcanist Regalia

Location: Molten Core

WoW Insider’s Guide to Soloing Tier 1

Mage Tier 2: Netherwind Regalia

Location: Blackwing Lair

Mage Tier 3: Frostfire Regalia

No Longer Available –

Location: [Naxxramas Raid]

Mage Tier 4: Aldor Regalia

Location: Magtheridon’s Lair, Hellfire Citadel Raid (Hellfire Penninsula); Karazhan Raid (Deadwind Pass); Gruul’s Lair Raid (Blade’s Edge Mountains)

Sold in exchange for Tokens Of The Fallen Defender to Asuur (Aldor) or Arodis Sunblade (Scryer) in Shattrath City:

Head: [Token] Prince Malchezaar Karazhan
Shoulders: [Token] High King Maulgar Gruul’s Lair
Chest: [Token] Magtheridon Magtheridon’s Lair
Hands: [Token] The Curator Karazhan
Legs: [Token] Gruul the Dragonkiller Gruul’s Lair

Mage Tier 5: Tirisfal Regalia

Location: Serpentshire Cavern, Coilfang Reservoir Raid (Zangamarsh); Eye, Tempest Keep Raid (Netherstorm)

Sold in Shattarath by Kelara (Aldor) or Veynna Dawnstar (Scryer). Exchanged for specific Tokens of the Vanquished Defender, located:

Head: [Token] Lady Vashj Serpentshrine Cavern
Shoulders: [Token] Void Reaver Eye (Tempest Keep)
Chest: [Token] Kael’thas Sunstrider Eye (Tempest Keep)
Hands: [Token] Leotheras the Blind Serpentshrine Cavern
Legs: [Token] Fathom-Lord Karathress Serpentshrine Cavern

Mage Tier 6: Tempest Regalia

Location:Battle forMount Hyjal, Caverns of Time Raid (Tanaris); Black Temple Raid (Shadowmoon Valley); Sunwell Plateau Raid (Isle of Quel’Danas)

The Head, Hands, Legs, Shoulders, and Chest items are sold by Tydormu inside the Battle for Mount Hyjal instance.The Wrist, Waist, and Feet items are sold by Theremis, who is located on a boat in the harbor at the Isle of Quel’Danas.

Exchanged for specific Tokens of the Forgotten Conquerer, located:

Head: [Token] Archimonde Battle for Mount Hyjal
Shoulders: [Token] Mother Shahraz Black Temple
Chest: [Token] Illidan Stormrage Black Temple
Waist: [Token] Brutallus Sunwell Plateau
Hands: [Token] Azgalor Battle for Mount Hyjal
Wrist: [Token] Kalecgos Sunwell Plateau
Feet: [Token] Felmyst Sunwell Plateau
Legs: [Token] Illidari Council Black Temple

Mage Tier 7: Frostfire Garb

Location: Naxxramas Raid (Dragonblight); Chamber of Aspects, Obsidian Sanctum Raid (Dragonblight)

Exchanged for Tokens of the Lost Conquerer in Dalaran.

Head: [Token] Kel’Thuzad Naxxramas
Shoulders: [Token] Gluth/Loatheb Naxxramas
Chest: [Token] Gluth/Four Horsemen Naxxramas
Hands: [Token] Sartharion Obsidian Sanctum
Legs: [Token] Gluth/Thaddius Naxxramas

Mage Tier 8: Kirin Tor Garb

Location: Ulduar Raid (StormPeaks)

Exchanged for Tokens of the Wayward Conquerer in Dalaran.

Head: [Token] Mimiron
Shoulders: [Token] Thorim
Chest: [Token] Yogg-Saron
Hands: [Token] Freya
Legs: [Token] Hodir

Mage Tier 9 (Alliance): Khadgar’s Regalia

Location: All are purchased with Justice Points in Dalaran.

Triumphant versions can be purchased with Justice Points plus [Trophy of the Crusade] from Trial of the Crusader

Head: [Justice Points]
Shoulders: [Justice Points]
Chest: [Justice Points]
Hands: [Justice Points]
Legs: [Justice Points]

Mage Tier 9 (Horde): Sunstrider’s Regalia

Location: All are purchased with Justice Points in Dalaran.

Triumphant versions can be purchased with Justice Points plus [Trophy of the Crusade] from Trial of the Crusader

Head: [Justice Points]
Shoulders: [Justice Points]
Chest: [Justice Points]
Hands: [Justice Points]
Legs: [Justice Points]

Mage Tier 10: Bloodmage’s Regalia

Location: All are purchased with Justice Points in Dalaran; the legs and hands also drop from Toravon the Ice Watcher in the Vault of Archavon Raid.

Head: [Justice Points]
Shoulders: [Justice Points]
Chest: [Justice Points]
Hands: [Justice Points]
Legs: [Justice Points]

Warlock Tier Gear

Warlock Tier 1: Felheart Raiment

Location: Molten Core

WoW Insider’s Guide to Soloing Tier 1

Warlock Tier 2: Nemesis Raiment

Location: Blackwing Lair

Warlock Tier 3: Plagueheart Raiment

– No Longer Available –

Location: [Naxxramas Raid]

Warlock Tier 4: Voidheart Raiment

Location: Magtheridon’s Lair, Hellfire Citadel Raid (Hellfire Penninsula); Karazhan Raid (DeadwindPass); Gruul’s Lair Raid (Blade’sEdgeMountains)

Sold in exchange for Tokens Of The Fallen Defender to Asuur (Aldor) or Arodis Sunblade (Scryer) in Shattrath City:

Head: [Token] Prince Malchezaar Karazhan
Shoulders: [Token] High King Maulgar Gruul’s Lair
Chest: [Token] Magtheridon Magtheridon’s Lair
Hands: [Token] The Curator Karazhan
Legs: [Token] Gruul the Dragonkiller Gruul’s Lair

Warlock Tier 5: Corrupter Raiment

Location: Serpentshire Cavern, Coilfang Reservoir Raid (Zangamarsh); Eye, Tempest Keep Raid (Netherstorm)Sold in Shattarath by Kelara (Aldor) or Veynna Dawnstar (Scryer).

Exchanged for specific Tokens of the Vanquished Defender, located:

Head: [Token] Lady Vashj Serpentshrine Cavern
Shoulders: [Token] Void Reaver Eye (Tempest Keep)
Chest: [Token] Kael’thas Sunstrider Eye (Tempest Keep)
Hands: [Token] Leotheras the Blind Serpentshrine Cavern
Legs: [Token] Fathom-Lord Karathress Serpentshrine Cavern

Warlock Tier 6: Malefic Raiment

Location:Battle for Mount Hyjal, Caverns of Time Raid (Tanaris); Black Temple Raid (Shadowmoon Valley); Sunwell Plateau Raid (Isle of Quel’Danas)

The Head, Hands, Legs, Shoulders, and Chest items are sold by Tydormu inside the Battle for Mount Hyjal instance.The Wrist, Waist, and Feet items are sold by Theremis, who is located on a boat in the harbor at the Isle of Quel’Danas.

Exchanged for specific Tokens of the Forgotten Conquerer, located:

Head: [Token] Archimonde Battle for Mount Hyjal
Shoulders: [Token] Mother Shahraz Black Temple
Chest: [Token] Illidan Stormrage Black Temple
Waist: [Token] Brutallus Sunwell Plateau
Hands: [Token] Azgalor Battle for Mount Hyjal
Wrist: [Token] Kalecgos Sunwell Plateau
Feet: [Token] Felmyst Sunwell Plateau
Legs: [Token] Illidari Council Black Temple

Warlock Tier 7: Plagueheart Garb

Location: Naxxramas Raid (Dragonblight); Chamber of Aspects, Obsidian Sanctum Raid (Dragonblight)

Exchanged for Tokens of the Lost Conquerer in Dalaran.

Head: [Token] Kel’Thuzad Naxxramas
Shoulders: [Token] Gluth/Loatheb Naxxramas
Chest: [Token] Gluth/Four Horsemen Naxxramas
Hands: [Token] Sartharion Obsidian Sanctum
Legs: [Token] Gluth/Thaddius Naxxramas

Warlock Tier 8: Deathbringer Garb

Location: Ulduar Raid (StormPeaks)Exchanged for Tokens of the Wayward Conquerer in Dalaran.

Head: [Token] Mimiron
Shoulders: [Token] Thorim
Chest: [Token] Yogg-Saron
Hands: [Token] Freya
Legs: [Token] Hodir

Warlock Tier 9 (Alliance): Kel’Thuzad’s Regalia

Location: All are purchased with Justice Points in Dalaran.

Triumphant versions can be purchased with Justice Points plus [Trophy of the Crusade] from Trial of the Crusader

Head: [Justice Points]
Shoulders: [Justice Points]
Chest: [Justice Points]
Hands: [Justice Points]
Legs: [Justice Points]

Warlock Tier 9 (Horde): Gul’Dan’s Regalia

Location: All are purchased with Justice Points in Dalaran.

Triumphant versions can be purchased with Justice Points plus [Trophy of the Crusade] from Trial of the Crusader

Head: [Justice Points]
Shoulders: [Justice Points]
Chest: [Justice Points]
Hands: [Justice Points]
Legs: [Justice Points]

Warlock Tier 10: Dark Coven’s Regalia

Location: All are purchased with Justice Points in Dalaran; the legs and hands also drop from Toravon the Ice Watcher in the Vault of Archavon Raid

Head: [Justice Points]
Shoulders: [Justice Points]
Chest: [Justice Points]
Hands: [Justice Points]
Legs: [Justice Points]

Dungeon Sets

Dungeon sets are comprised of pieces which drop from a variety of instance (not raid) bosses. You do not have to redeem any tokens for these pieces, but you may have to run a specific dungeon multiple times before the piece you want drops.

There were only 4 ‘official’ dungeon sets created in early Vanilla and Burning Crusade, though later dungeon drops do combine to create a unified look (please see General Cloth Armor Sets, below).

Dungeon Set 1: Vestments of the Devout

– No Longer Available-

Location: [Scholomance, Stratholme, Blackrock Spire]

Dungeon Set 2: Vestments of the Virtuous

– No Longer Available-

Location: [Vestments of the Devout, upgraded through quests]

Dungeon Set 3a: Hallowed Raiment

Location: Outland Instances

Head: [Hallowed Crown] Harbinger Skyriss Arcatraz
Shoulders: [Hallowed Pauldrons] Grandmaster Vorpil Shadow Labyrinth
Chest: [Hallowed Garments] Murmur Shadow Labyrinth
Hands: [Hallowed Handwraps] Warchief Kargath Bladefist Shattered Halls
Legs: [Hallowed Trousers] Talon King Ikiss Sethekk Halls

Dungeon Set 3b: Mana-Etched Regalia

Location: Outland Instances

Head: [Mana-Etched Crown] Aeonus The Black Morass
Shoulders: [Mana-Etched Spaulders] Quagmirran The Slave Pens (Heroic)
Chest: [Mana-Etched Vestments] Epoch Hunter Old Hillsbrad Foothills (Heroic)
Hands: [Mana-Etched Gloves] Omor the Unscarred Hellfire Ramparts (Heroic)
Legs: [Mana-Etched Pantaloons] The Black Stalker The Underbog (Heroic)

Mage Dungeon Set 1: Magister’s Regalia

– No Longer Available-

Location: [Scholomance, Stratholme, Blackrock Spire]

For alternatives, see General Cloth Armor Sets

Mage Dungeon Set 2: Sorcerer’s Regalia

– No Longer Available-

Location: [Vestments of the Devout, upgraded through quests]

For alternatives, see General Cloth Armor Sets

Mage Dungeon Set 3a: Incanter’s Regalia

Location: Outland Instances

Head: Harbinger Skyriss Arcatraz
Shoulders: Grandmaster Vorpil Shadow Labyrinth
Chest: Murmur Shadow Labyrinth
Hands: Warchief Kargath Bladefist Shattered Halls
Legs: Talon King Ikiss Sethekk Halls

Mage Dungeon Set 3b: Mana-Etched Regalia

Location: Outland Instances

Head: Aeonus The Black Morass
Shoulders: Quagmirran The Slave Pens (Heroic)
Chest: Epoch Hunter Old Hillsbrad Foothills (Heroic)
Hands: Omor the Unscarred Hellfire Ramparts (Heroic)
Legs: The Black Stalker The Underbog (Heroic)

Warlock Dungeon Set 1: Dreadmist Raiment

– No Longer Available (but identical to cloth heirloom gear)-

Location: [Scholomance, Stratholme, Blackrock Spire]For alternatives, see General Cloth Armor Sets

Warlock Dungeon Set 2: Deathmist Raiment

– No Longer Available-

Location: [Vestments of the Devout, upgraded through quests]For alternatives, see General Cloth Armor Sets

Warlock Dungeon Set 3a: Oblivion Raiment

Location: Outland Instances

Head: Harbinger Skyriss Arcatraz
Shoulders: Grandmaster Vorpil Shadow Labyrinth
Chest: Murmur Shadow Labyrinth
Hands: Warchief Kargath Bladefist Shattered Halls
Legs: Talon King Ikiss Sethekk Halls

Warlock Dungeon Set 3b: Mana-Etched Regalia

Location: Outland Instances

Head: Aeonus The Black Morass
Shoulders: Quagmirran The Slave Pens (Heroic)
Chest: Epoch Hunter Old Hillsbrad Foothills (Heroic)
Hands: Omor the Unscarred Hellfire Ramparts (Heroic)
Legs: The Black Stalker The Underbog (Heroic)

Crafted Sets

These sets are created through Tailoring and present a unified look. In cases where both a Robe and a Vest were set options, I chose the Vest so that we could see more of the set (legs, wrists, and feet are often obscured by robes). Some of the ‘sets’ are only a few pieces, but they’re still kind of fun!

The sets are listed in order of increasing Tailoring Skill required.

Phoenix ‘Set’


[Phoenix Gloves]


[Phoenix Pants]

Azure Silk ‘Set’

Head: [Azure Silk Hood]
Shoulders: [Azure Shoulders]
Chest: [Azure Silk Vest]
Back: [Azure Silk Cloak]
Hands: [Azure Silk Gloves]
Waist: [Azure Silk Belt]
Legs: [Azure Silk Pants]
Crimson Silk ‘Set’

Shoulders: [Crimson Silk Shoulders]
Chest: [Crimson Silk Vest] or [Crimson Silk Robe]
Back: [Crimson Silk Cloak]
Hands: [Crimson Silk Gloves]
Waist: [Crimson Silk Belt]
Legs: [Crimson Silk Pantaloons]
Black Mageweave ‘Set’

Head: [Black Mageweave Headband]
Shoulders: [Black Mageweave Shoulders]
Chest: [Black Mageweave Vest]
Hands: [Black Mageweave Gloves]
Feet: [Black Mageweave Boots]
Legs: [Black Mageweave Leggings]
Red Mageweave ‘Set’

Head: [Red Mageweave Headband]
Shoulders: [Red Mageweave Shoulders]
Chest: [Red Mageweave Vest]
Hands: [Red Mageweave Gloves]
Legs: [Red Mageweave Pants]
Dreamweave ‘Set’

Head: [Dreamweave Circlet]
Chest: [Dreamweave Vest]
Hands: [Dreamweave Gloves]
Shadoweave ‘Set’

Head: [Shadoweave Mask]
Shoulders: [Shadoweave Shoulders]
Chest: [Shadoweave Robe]
Hands: [Shadoweave Gloves]
Feet: [Shadoweave Boots]
Legs: [Shadoweave Pants]
Cindercloth ‘Set’

Chest: [Cindercloth Vest]
Back: [Cindercloth Cloak]
Hands: [Cindercloth Gloves]
Feet: [Cindercloth Boots]
Legs: [Cindercloth Pants]
Runecloth ‘Set’

Head: [Runecloth Headband]
Shoulders: [Runecloth Shoulders]
Chest: [Runecloth Tunic]
Back: [Runecloth Cloak]
Hands: [Runecloth Gloves]
Waist: [Runecloth Belt]
Feet: [Runecloth Boots]
Legs: [Runecloth Pants]
Brightcloth ‘Set’

Chest: [Brightcloth Robe]
Back: [Brightcloth Cloak]
Hands: [Brightcloth Gloves]
Legs: [Brightcloth Pants]
Ghostweave ‘Set’

Chest: [Ghostweave Vest]
Hands: [Ghostweave Gloves]
Waist: [Ghostweave Belt]
Legs: [Ghostweave Pants]
Frostweave ‘Set’

Chest: [Frostweave Tunic]or[Frostweave Robe]
Back: [Frostweave Cloak]
Hands: [Frostweave Gloves]
Legs: [Frostweave Pants]
Felcloth ‘Set’

Head: [Felcloth Hood]
Shoulders: [Felcloth Shoulders]
Chest: [Felcloth Robe]
Hands: [Felcloth Gloves]
Feet: [Felcloth Boots]
Legs: [Felcloth Pants]
Mooncloth ‘Set’

Head: [Mooncloth Circlet]
Shoulders: [Mooncloth Shoulders]
Chest: [Mooncloth Vest]or[Mooncloth Robe]
Hands: [Mooncloth Gloves]
Feet: [Mooncloth Boots]
Legs: [Mooncloth Leggings]
Wizardweave ‘Set’

Head: [Wizardweave Turban]
Chest: [Wizardweave Robe]
Legs: [Wizardweave Leggings]
Flarecore ‘Set’

Shoulders: [Flarecore Mantle]
Chest: [Flarecore Robe]
Wrist: [Flarecore Wraps]
Hands: [Flarecore Gloves]
Legs: [Flarecore Leggings]
Sylvan ‘Set’

Head: [Sylvan Crown]
Shoulders: [Sylvan Shoulders]
Chest: [Sylvan Vest]
Bloodvine ‘Set’

Chest: [Bloodvine Vest]
Feet: [Bloodvine Boots]
Legs: [Bloodvine Leggings]
Runed Stygian ‘Set’

Waist: [Runed Stygian Belt]
Feet: [Runed Stygian Boots]
Legs: [Runed Stygian Leggings]
Glacial ‘Set’

Head: [Glacial Headdress]
Chest: [Glacial Vest] or [Glacial Robe]
Back: [Glacial Cloak]
Hands: [Glacial Gloves]
Wrist: [Glacial Wrists]
Waist: [Glacial Waistband]
Feet: [Glacial Slippers]
Legs: [Black Mageweave Leggings]
Netherweave ‘Set’

Chest: [Netherweave Robe] or [Netherweave Tunic]
Hands: [Netherweave Gloves]
Wrist: [Netherweave Bracers]
Waist: [Netherweave Belt]
Feet: [Netherweave Boots]
Legs: [Netherweave Pants]
Imbued Netherweave ‘Set’

Chest: [Imbued Netherweave Robe] or [Imbued Netherweave Tunic]
Feet: [Imbued Netherweave Boots]
Legs: [Imbued Netherweave Pants]
Arcanoweave ‘Set’

Chest: [Arcanoweave Robe]
Wrist: [Arcanoweave Bracers]
Feet: [Arcanoweave Boots]
Spellfire ‘Set’

Chest: [Spellfire Robe]
Hands: [Spellfire Gloves]
Waist: [Spellfire Belt]
Soulcloth ‘Set’

Shoulders: [Soulcloth Shoulders]
Chest: [Soulcloth Vest]
Hands: [Soulcloth Gloves]
Primal Mooncloth ‘Set’

Shoulders: [Primal Mooncloth Shoulders]
Chest: [Primal Mooncloth Robe]
Waist: [Primal Mooncloth Belt]
Flameheart ‘Set’

Chest: [Flameheart Vest]
Hands: [Flameheart Gloves]
Wrist: [Flameheart Bracers]
Frozen Shadoweave ‘Set’

Shoulders: [Frozen Shadoweave Shoulders]
Chest: [Frozen Shadoweave Robe]
Feet: [Frozen Shadoweave Boots]
Soulguard ‘Set’

Wrist: [Soulguard Bracers]
Waist: [Soulguard Girdle]
Feet: [Soulguard Slippers]
Legs: [Soulguard Leggings]
Frostwoven ‘Set’

Head: [Frostwoven Cowl]
Shoulders: [Frostwoven Shoulders]
Chest: [Frostwoven Robe]
Hands: [Frostwoven Gloves]
Wrist: [Frostwoven Wristwraps]
Waist: [Frostwoven Belt]
Feet: [Frostwoven Boots]
Legs: [Frostwoven Leggings]
Mystic Frostwoven ‘Set’

Shoulders: [Mystic Frostwoven Shoulders]
Chest: [Mystic Frostwoven Robe]
Wrist: [Mystic Frostwoven Wristwraps]
Duskweave (and Black Duskweave) ‘Set’

Head: [Duskweave Cowl]
Shoulders: [Duskweave Shoulders]
Chest: [Duskweave Robe]
Hands: [Duskweave Gloves]
Wrist: [Duskweave Wristwraps]
Waist: [Duskweave Belt]
Feet: [Duskweave Boots]
Legs: [Duskweave Leggings]
Frostsavage ‘Set’

Head: [Frostsavage Cowl]
Shoulders: [Frostsavage Shoulders]
Chest: [Frostsavage Robe]
Hands: [Frostsavage Gloves]
Feet: [Frostsavage Boots]
Legs: [Frostsavage Leggings]
Spellweave ‘Set’

Chest: [Spellweave Robe]
Hands: [Spellweave Gloves]
Moonshroud ‘Set’

Chest: [Moonshroud Robe]
Hands: [Moonshroud Gloves]
Ebonweave ‘Set’

Chest: [Ebonweave Robe]
Hands: [Ebonweave Gloves]
Deathsilk ‘Set’

Head: [Deathsilk Cowl]
Shoulders: [Deathsilk Shoulders]
Chest: [Deathsilk Robes]
Hands: [Deathsilk Gloves]
Wrist: [Deathsilk Bracers]
Waist: [Deathsilk Belt]
Feet: [Deathsilk Boots]
Legs: [Deathsilk Leggings]
Spiritmend ‘Set’

Head: [Spiritmend Cowl]
Shoulders: [Spiritmend Shoulders]
Chest: [Spiritmend Robe]
Hands: [Spiritmend Gloves]
Wrist: [Spiritmend Bracers]
Waist: [Spiritmend Belt]
Feet: [Spiritmend Boots]
Legs: [Spiritmend Leggings]
Emberfire ‘Set’

Head: [Emberfire Cowl]
Shoulders: [Emberfire Shoulders]
Chest: [Emberfire Robe]
Wrist: [Emberfire Bracers]
Waist: [Emberfire Belt]
Feet: [Emberfire Boots]
Legs: [Emberfire Pants]
Fireweave ‘Set’

Head: [Fireweave Cowl]
Shoulders: [Fireweave Shoulders]
Chest: [Emberfire Robe]
Hands: [Fireweave Gloves]
Wrist: [Fireweave Bracers]
Waist: [Fireweave Belt]
Feet: [Fireweave Boots]
Legs: [Fireweave Pants]

General Cloth Sets

These sets are composed of pieces that either mimic an existing set, or else don’t fall into the general categories of Raid, Dungeon, or Tailoring sets.

Green World Drop Sets

There exist an enormous number of green ‘sets’ which share a name and look, and which can be found as world drops. These pieces frequently share models (ie, they look alike but with subtle shading variations), but present a unified look. Since they have stats and are cloth, you should be able to transmogrify into these looks.

I very much wanted to include drop locations of all of them, but they are so legion that I decided instead to just list them with a Wowhead link to the chest or leg piece, but generally they drop randomly in all level-specific zones. Some sets also include a tunic rather than a robe option; you can view those easily with WoW Model Viewer.

iLevel 10-20 Green World Drop Sets

Aboriginal . Ancestral . Apothecary . Barbaric . Beaded . Disciple . Native . Seer . Simple . Spellbinder . Willow

iLevel 20-30 Green World Drop Sets

Bright . Buccaneer . Greenweave . Ivycloth . Pagan . Ritual . Sanguine . Seer . Shimmering . Watcher

iLevel 30-40 Green World Drop Sets

Aurora . Conjurer . Durable . Elder . Embersilk . Geomancer . Nightsky . Raincaller . Resilient . Sage . Silver-Thread . Stonecloth . Thistlefur . Twilight . Vital

iLevel 40-50 Green World Drop Sets

Abjurer . Bloodwoven . Darkmist . Gossamer . Hibernal . Lunar . Mistscape . Regal . Royal . Silksand . Sorcerer . Windchaser

iLevel 50-60 Green World Drop Sets

Arachnidian . Arcane . Bonecaster . Celestial . Councillor . Duskwoven . Gaea . Highborne . Imperial Red . Mystical . Opulent . Resplendent . Twilight Cultist . Venomshroud

iLevel 60-100 Green World Drop Sets

Elegant . Elunarian . Eternal . Feralfen . Fireheart . High Councillor . Laughing Skull . Master . Outlander . Slavehandler . Starfire . Vindicator

iLevel 100-150 Green World Drop Sets

Archmage . Astralaan . Bloodspore . Bristlepine . Consortium . Eldr’naan . Elementalist . Farshire . Foothold . Mistyreed . Mur’ghoul . Shadow Council . Voldrune

iLevel 150-250 Green World Drop Sets

Aerie . Coldwraith . Condor . Crystalsong . Icemist . Oracle . Tethys . Vizier . Voldrune

iLevel 250+ Green World Drop Sets

Ameth’Aran . Baradin . Bluefen . Brightwood . Darrowmere . Everstill . Galardell . Mistmantle . Mystral

[Note: The sets listed in this section are identical. I know, I know.]

Lookalike Sets

Pseudo Magister’s Regalia

This set looks similar to the Dungeon Set 1 of the same name.

Shoulders: [Pauldrons of Arcane Rage] Watchkeeper Gargolmar Hellfire Ramparts
Chest: [Robes of the Augurer] The Black Stalker The Underbog
Waist: [Mindfire Waistband] Keli’dan the Breaker Blood Furnace
Hands: [Manaspark Gloves] Hungarfen The Underbog
Wrist: [Arcing Bracers] Broggok The Blood Furnace
Feet: [Ethereal Boots of the Skystrider] Nexus-Prince Shaffar Mana-Tombs
Legs: [Princely Reign Leggings] Mennu the Betrayer The Slave Pens

Pseudo Vestments of the Devout

This set looks similar to the Dungeon Set 1 of the same name.

Shoulders: [Pauldrons of Sufferance] Epoch Hunter Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Head: [Collar of Command] Shirrak the Dead Watcher Auchenai Crypts
Chest: [Raiments of Divine Authority] Keli’dan the Breaker The Blood Furnace
Feet: [Slippers of Serenity] Exarch Maladaar Auchenai Crypts
Legs: [Lifegiver Britches] Vazruden Hellfire Ramparts

Pseudo Arcanist Regalia

These sets look similar to the Mage Tier 1 set of the same name.

Option A:

Head: [Mage-Collar of the Firestorm] The Maker The Blood Furnace Heroic
Shoulders: [Mindrage Pauldrons] Pandemonius Mana-Tombs Heroic
Chest: [Bloodfyre Robes of Annihilation] Cache of the Legion The Mechanar
Hands: [Hands of the Sun] Swamplord Musel’ek Underbog Heroic
Wrist: [Arcanium Signet Bands] Hungarfen Underbog Heroic
Feet: [Embroidered Spellpyre Boots] Broggok The Blood Furnace Heroic
Legs: [Aran’s Sorcerous Slacks] Lieutenant Drake Escape from Durnholde Keep Heroic

Option B:

Head: [Collar of Cho’gall] Gruul the Dragonkiller Gruul’s Lair
Shoulders: [Frozen Shadoweave Shoulders] Tailoring
Chest: [Frozen Shadoweave Robe] Tailoring
Waist: [Coldwhisper Cord] Rokmar the Crackler The Slave Pens Heroic
Hands: [Soul-Eater’s Handwraps] Magtheridon Magtheridon’s Lair
Feet: [Frozen Shadoweave Boots] Tailoring

Pseudo Vestments of Prophecy

This set looks similar to the Priest Tier 1 set of the same name.

Head: [Whitemend Hood] Tailoring
Shoulders: [Primal Mooncloth Shoulders] Tailoring
Chest: [Primal Mooncloth Robe] Tailoring
Waist: [Primal Mooncloth Belt] Tailoring
Legs: [Whitemend Pants] Tailoring

Pseudo Nemesis Raiment

This set looks similar to the Warlock Tier 2 set of the same name.

Head: [Demonfang Ritual Helm] The Black Stalker The Underbog Heroic
Shoulders: [Mantle of Three Terrors] Chrono Lord Deja Black Morass
Chest: [Vermillion Robes of the Dominant] Warlord Kalithresh The Steamvault.
Waist: [Sash of Serpentra] Warlord Kalithresh The Steamvault.
Hands: [Gloves of the Deadwatcher] Shirrak the Dead Watcher Auchenai Crypts, Heroic
Wrist: [Crimson Bracers of Gloom] Omor the Unscarred Hellfire Ramparts, Heroic
Feet: [Extravagant Boots of Malice] Tavarok Mana-Tombs, Heroic
Legs: [Devil-Stitched Leggings] Laj The Botanica

Pseudo Netherwind Regalia

This set looks similar to the Mage Tier 2 set of the same name.

Head: [Headdress of Alacrity] Omor the Unscarred Hellfire Ramparts, Heroic
Shoulders: [Mana-Sphere Shoulderguards] Zereketh the Unbound The Arcatraz
Chest: [Robe of the Great Dark Beyond] Tavarok Mana-Tombs, Heroic
Hands: [Energis Armwraps] High Botanist Freywinn The Botanica
Wrist: [Bands of Nethekurse] Grand Warlock Nethekurse Shattered Halls
Feet: [Silent Slippers of Meditation] Murmur Shadow Labyrinth
Legs: [Khadgar’s Kilt of Abjuration] Temporus Black Morass

Pseudo Vestments of Transcendence

This set looks similar to the Priest Tier 2 set of the same name.

Head: [Scintillating Headdress of Second Sight] Shirrak the Dead Watcher Auchenai Crypts, Heroic
Shoulders: [Vestia’s Pauldrons of Inner Grace] Cache of the Legion The Mechanar
Chest: [Robe of Effervescent Light] Keli’dan the Breaker Blood Furnace, Heroic
Waist: [Cord of Belief] Mennu the Betrayer Hellfire Ramparts , Heroic
Hands: [Prismatic Mittens of Mending] Commander Sarannis The Botanica
Feet: [Light-Woven Slippers] Darkweaver Syth Sethekk Halls
Legs: [Pontiff’s Pantaloons of Prophecy] Captain Skarloc Old Hillsbrad Foothills, Heroic

Pseudo Tirisfal Regalia

This set looks similar to the Mage Tier 5 set of the same name.

Head: [Cowl of the Grand Engineer] Void Reaver The Eye
Shoulders: [Mantle of the Elven Kings] Trash mobs The Eye
Chest: [Vestments of the Sea-Witch] Lady Vashj Serpentshrine Cavern
Waist: [Fire-Cord of the Magus] Trash mobs The Eye
Hands: [Gauntlets of the Sun-King] Kael’thas Sunstrider The Eye
Wrist: [Mindstorm Wristbands] Al’ar
Feet: [Velvet Boots of the Guardian] The Lurker Below Serpentshrine Cavern
Legs: [Trousers of the Astromancer] High Astromancer Solarian The Eye

Pseudo Corrupter Raiment

This set looks similar to the Warlock Tier 5 set of the same name.

Shoulders: [Illidari Shoulderpads] Morogrim Tidewalker Serpentshrine Cavern
Chest: [Robe of Hateful Echoes] Hydross the Unstable Serpentshrine Cavern
Waist: [Cord of Screaming Terrors] The Lurker Below Serpentshrine Cavern
Feet: [Boots of the Shifting Nightmare] Hydross the Unstable Serpentshrine Cavern

Pseudo Absolution Regalia

This set looks similar to the Priest Tier 6 set of the same name.

Head: [Cowl of Benevolence] Teron Gorefiend Black Temple
Shoulders: [Amice of Brilliant Light] Shade of Akama Black Temple
Chest: [Garments of Temperance] Gurtogg Bloodboil Black Temple
Hands: [Gloves of Unfailing Faith] Essence of Souls Black Temple
Feet: [Slippers of Dutiful Mending] Sold on Isle of Quel’Danas for Justice Points

Pseudo KirinTor Gear

This set looks similar to the Mage Tier 8 set of the same name.

Head: [Cowl of Icy Breaths] Cache of Winter Ulduar
Shoulders: [Iceshear Mantle] Trash mobs Ulduar
Chest: [Raiments of the Corrupted] Auriaya Ulduar
Waist: [Binding of the Dragon Matriarch] Razorscale Ulduar
Hands: [Pulsar Gloves] Gift of the Observer Ulduar
Wrist: [Combustion Bracers] Flame Leviathan Ulduar
Feet: [Treads of the Dragon Council] Yogg-Saron Ulduar
Legs: [Leggings of Unstable Discharge] Cache of Storms Ulduar

Pseudo Dark Coven’s Regalia

This set looks similar to the Warlock Tier 10 set of the same name.

Head: [Cowl of Malefic Repose] Blood-Queen Lana’thel Icecrown Citadel 10 man Heroic
Shoulders: [Shoulders of Ruinous Senility] Professor Putricide Icecrown Citadel 10 man Heroic
Chest: [Robes of Azure Downfall] Sindragosa Icecrown Citadel 10 man Heroic
Waist: [Cauterized Cord] Professor Putricide Icecrown Citadel 10 man Heroic
Hands: [Sister’s Handshrouds] Lady Deathwhisper Icecrown Citadel 10 man Heroic
Wrist: [Ether-Soaked Bracers] Rotface Icecrown Citadel 10 man Heroic
Feet: [Icecrown Spire Sandals] Deathbringer Saurfang Icecrown Citadel 10 man Heroic
Legs: [Kilt of Untreated Wounds] Festergut Icecrown Citadel 10 man Heroic

Necropile Raiment

The cloth Scholomance instance set. Each piece can be dropped by any boss in Scholomance.

Shoulders: Necropile Mantle
Chest: Necropile Robe
Wrist: Necropile Cuffs
Feet: Necropile Boots
Legs: Necropile Leggings

The Postmaster

All pieces drop only from Postmaster Malown in Stratholme. You can run it simultaneously for the Baron’s Mount!

Head: The Postmaster’s Band
Chest: The Postmaster’s Tunic
Feet: The Postmaster’s Treads
Legs: The Postmaster’s Trousers

Essential Transmogrification Resources

WoW Roleplay Gear

Reddit WoW/Transmogrification Community

WoW Model Viewer



    • Unfortunately, artwork- even Blizzard artwork- is always a bit difficult to pin down since the artists take quite a bit of license with the in-game material (or sometimes are just creating concepts which change dramatically when added to the game in their final form). I wasn’t able to figure out antyhing close to what you linked to, but perhaps someone else has an idea? If you’re interested in finding something you consider similar, do download the WoW Model Viewer; it’s an invaluable tool for hunting down sets!


  1. I totally cant believe the amount of work that went into this. I have been assembling little vanity sets for my characters for months on months before transmog came out and to thumb through that much wow model viewer youve done here hurts my head lol
    Amazing job tyvm


    • Non-set vanity sets are fantastic! There are so many ways to mix and match gear that we’ll all have fun playing with them for a good long time. I’m so glad you enjoyed it, and hope you share your own creations!


    • Thank you so much for your very kind words! I feel so… loved! 🙂 I was really hoping this little guide could save people some time (not to mention give some direction to running old content while we wait for 4.3 to drop), and I’m so pleased it’s helped you in that regard.


  2. Thanks so much for all your hard work – so much info in one place is invaluable. I cannot wait for this feature, and the knowledge that none of my alts will have to go through the ‘Hellfire Hotpants’ stage again 😀


  3. I really have to do if you compiled this list manually or utilized some feature in wow model viewer. If manually I applaud you if automagically … HOW?


  4. I wasn’t going to level a cloth alt, mainly because I don’t really care, until I saw this.

    You, kind person, have put a LOT of effort into this, and it is very much appreciated! Great Jaerb!


  5. I don’t know if it has been mentioned yet, but there is plenty of gear in Ulduar 10 and 25 to craft a Pseudo Priest Tier 8 set! I know that Yogg Saron drops a great head on HM and the shoulders drop off another boss in Ulduar. This is a wonderful guide though! Absolutely stunning at all the work you put into it! Thanks so much mate, you have made everyones decisions MUCH MUCH easier!


  6. Thank you soooo much for putting this together! It’s such a brilliant list; most lists I found only mention the tier sets, but tailoring and greenies are so much fun too. 😀 This’ll definitely be a great help in putting together some nice transmog outfits for my mage. ❤


  7. I can’t tell you how absolute amazing this compilation is! I’ve spent about 15-20 hours over the past few days going through wowhead and atlasloot trying to find things, and the past 15-20 minutes going through this guide. MARRY ME?


  8. […] people will find their way there quite easily. I also find this writeup quite useful for clothies: The Priest, Mage, and Warlock Guide to Transmogrification: An Illustrated List of Cloth Armor Sets. Lots of pictures there of BoE world drop sets, which is awesome. Reply With Quote […]


  9. Very nice. The only issue I have is with T6 sets, the Sunwell T6 isn’t designed to match Black Temple and Mount Hyjal T6, instead those match with cloth pieces that are crafted or drop within Sunwell. Other more suitable belts, boots and bracers for T6 can be found elsewhere.


  10. Great place to start your collection . Fantastic info here.

    Got most of the Pseudo Vestments of Transcendence, the scintilatting headdress is great.
    Also whilst trying to get an item from Botanica warp splinter , the Warp-infused drape dropped. It looks really good on, especially as back looks as good as front. So I am making set based on that.

    Some items look better in pics than on though . The Mage-Collar of the Firestorm looks like a cardboard cutout.


  11. Amazing!! thnk u for spending all those hours.
    Was looking for an head item, like the: Crown of the fire festival. If anyone finds something like these pls reply… Because the festival item i cant use for the ‘transmogthingie’ :).


  12. I was wondering if you knew of anything that would go with Robes of the Guardian Saint? I managed to find bracers (Runed Spell-Cuffs) but I’m at a loss for everything else. I’ve held on to that robe for years now & I’d love to be able to finally use it again. Please any help would be spectacular!!


  13. I was interested in the arachnidian set… i looked up where i could find it and all i found was gear that looked similar to the venomshroud set… perhaps you can shed some light where i can find the arachnidian green set drops 50-60. Or atleast the gear names. thanks =)


  14. You’ve done a marvellous job on this, really appreciate all the time you put into it. I am reluctant to ask for a little help, as I know you are more than busy with everything else you’ve got going, not to mention your time devoted to RL. However, do you have any ideas/suggestions for cloth hands, back and head pieces that match:

    This is on my female Undead Warlock.
    Thanks in advance,


    • The chest looks like it’s the same model as the Arcanoweave set- above, under ‘Tailored sets’- so I would recommend trying out the other Arcanoweave set pieces with it (just bracers and feet, sadly). I might then go with the Brightcloth gloves and cape, Dreamweave Circlet or Sylvan Crown, and the Sylvan shoulders. Those are all tailored sets, which means they should be relatively easy to find, and the chestpieces for each is the same model as the chestpiece for the Wind Serpent robe.

      Good luck!


      • Thanks Sweetie for the quick and helpful reply! I’ll look into it and put together something, hopefully during the next week. 🙂


  15. For Pseudo Vestments of Transcendence, the belt (Cord of Belief) actually comes from the instance “The Slave Pens” not “Hellfire Ramparts”, still Mennu the Betrayer (which is correct) is the boss that drops it. For anyone new, they may get slightly confused.


  16. Very fantastic job.
    Thank you very much!!! I was looking for a nice site about the sets, and I found the best one!


  17. Very nice guide. I would like to add that the Warlock Tier 6: Malefic Raiment, which so many lock wants, because of the head piece, which gives the wearer wings, is also available in a pvp set that is purple and blue in color. All which are available for honor points and sold from a pvp vendor in netherstorm. It is one of the most saught out sets for locks, and the pvp set is easier to obtain, ive ran hyjal and BT quite a few times and havent gotten my tokens to drop yet.


  18. Hey Disco, awesome work! I’m just putting this out there to make others aware, but it appears that Blizz has changed the appearance of some of the gear you posted. Specifically (there might be others, but I didn’t check out all of them) the Elegant and Nightsky green sets. They are full robes now, not tops like they appear. I started noticing this when I was looking at another site, but at first thought maybe they just were posting incorrectly. After visiting your site I’m confident Blizz is behind this.


  19. They still have an elegant tunic listed on wowhead! Go search elegant and hit enter there. I think what they did was offer a robe or a tunic for some of these sets.

    Very much like this – my priest actually has a blue version of the black mageweave using the mooncloth vest ^.^


  20. Woot, this rules! So much of the priest gear (esp at high levels / endgame) looks so grim and dark, my poor holy priest of Elune was getting a complex. I’d already mogg’d her [Chelley’s Staff of Dark Mending] into the lovely little [Moon Staff of Elune] from her training days, and the scary [Mask of New Snow] into the much more seemly [Imperial Red Circlet], so she can breathe again.

    And now thanks to your page I think she’ll be farming some combination of the Aurora, Mooncloth, and Glacial sets. It’s all about lightness and purity, and not looking like some Goddess-abhored necromancer!


  21. Not sure if anyone’s mentioned it, under Pseudo Vestments of Transcendence you have Mennu the Betrayer down as being in Hellfire Ramparts, when he’s actually in The Slave Pens. 🙂


  22. Hi! Amazing work, here!
    But I can’t figure out the set off “Drakedog” I guess you know who the guy… 😛
    Would love the look for my lock 😀


  23. You are so effin’ amazing. I mean, this was a lot of
    research and the way you consolidated the information is just
    fantastic. You justify my WoW addiction. ❤


  24. Thx for the great guide! It’s so better to browse through images of the sets than to seek for them in a single page 🙂 The only thing I could admit is if I had been in your place I’d have linked those items to wowhead, not to wowpedia (it takes a click to go to wowhead anyway:)
    As for me it helped me to find something like that ‘pointy thing’ Kael’thas wears behind his head. I think, Mage-Collar of the Firestorm ( is very similar to that one. Just look ( Other items are taken from this guide ( while the boots and the cloak from this one (


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