Disciplinary Action Adventures: Episode #2


Episode #2: Teamwork

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      • Okay, so, I could only get a good screenshot of the *Horde* already holding the blacksmith’s, and so I said to myself, “Self, no problem- just make the comic with Liala the First (nelf) instead of Liala the Second (belf).” And then I promptly forgot to do that, and then the comic was finished, and I seriously considered going back and replaing the Second with the First and then I realized that to do that I’d also have to create a new header with the First, and it was right about then I said, “Fuck it, no one’s going to notice!”.

        So there.


  1. Awesomeness again, and so true hehe

    I´ve been wanting to do some comics for quite some time, I even have 3 of them mapped out in my head, but I wanted to draw them.. of course me not being able to draw is a small setback.. but, you know.. Your way seems like a lot of work though, it looks so well done. Maybe I just need to learn to draw 😛


    • You absolutely should!! I’ve never done anything remotely like a comic until I did the first one. I’d love to see yours!

      I can’t draw even a little bit, but I spend about 80% of my working life in Photoshop- I never even thought about learning to draw 🙂 Each one takes about 5 or 6 hours to complete, not including actually thinking of a storyline. I use WoW Model Viewer to pose and screenshot for the characters, then take screenshots in WoW for the backgrounds. All the extras- borders, backgrounds, lighting effects, shadows- are added directly in Photoshop, where it all gets pulled together. I don’t know if that helps, but it’s how I get it done!


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