On Thursdays, It’s Your Turn In The Pit

Zelmaru at Murloc Parliament has been running a magical graphic feature called the Bee Pit:

The Bee Pit is where people who annoy us ought to be thrown.

Annoying PUG? Toss them in the pit.

Someone “forgot” to enchant his gear for the third raid in a row?  Into the pit!

Zel is as funny as she is charming, and when she requested a guest-drawn Bee Pit from your truly, I couldn’t refuse. Happily she’s decided to turn guest-drawn bee pits into a feature- Bee Pits In The Style Of Your Favorite WoW Cartoonist, if you will- and I’d direct all my cartooning brethren over there RIGHT NAOW!

Meanwhile, the rest of us can enjoy the fruits of her bee pit labors in the Bee Pit Gallery.


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