News You Can Use: Eine Kleine Nachtlinkage

The week of endless travel is almost at an end, after which we’ll return you to your regularly scheduled programming. Until then, enjoy a small sampling of some of the excellent WoW articles posted this week:

Old School WoW: In this new-ish series, author Adam Holisky revisits old patches, walking us through some of the long-forgotten changes wrought by the old patches. Wonderfully weird. Weirdly wonderful.

If You Could: I love Machinima, but this new one from Druidboyz is in a class of awesome all by itself.

Soloing 5-Man Content As Shadow: Fox Van Allen never disappoints, bringing you lull lulz and sick Photoshop skills in equal measure. Plus, tell me you’re not going to offspec your way to BC dungeon master now.


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